
HyperFlash32 eInk Label Contest

HyperFlash32 eInk label contest results are in! Check them out here.

VENOM Edition of VB Programmer

I was playing around with my new printer. Here’s a VENOM edition of my VB mini programmer. 3D printed carbon fiber. Really nice surface finish and very strong. It has a white on black OLED to…

Injection Molded VB Cart Cases

I’ve spent a lot of time and money recently on trying to get injection molded Virtual Boy cart cases made. Probably more time and money than I should have. The design emphasis was to get a…

Virtual Boy 32Mbit PCB

I designed and built a new PCB that has 32Mbit of Flash and supports either a 8kx8 nvSRAM or a 32kx8 nvSRAM. This isn’t my HyperFlash or MultiBoy carts, just a larger version of my original…


I’ve started taking preorders for my new HyperFlash32 cart. Check it out here.

MultiBoy 32

I just completed schematic entry and PCB design on a Virtual Boy Multicart design I’m calling MultiBoy 32. Specs first and then some more discussion. 1. Flash space: 32 slots of 32Mbit RAM via a 1Gbit…

VB Cart Programmer Build

Uploaded my build overview for the VB cart programmer! Check it out here.

VB Cart Programmer Quick Start Guide

Here’s my initial VB cart programmer quick start guide.

USB Link cable for Virtual Boy

Originally Sep. 2017 Updated 1/27/2018 I’ve created a PCB to support a USB to link cable design for the Virtual Boy. The PCB fits in the connector housing of my original wired link cable. This will…

VB Controller USB Adapter

Originally Nov. 23rd 2017 Updated 09/29/2018 Just updated to support the new VirtualBoyGo emulator!! I decided to develop a Virtual Boy controller USB adapter so that the controller could be used with emulators on a computer….