HyperFlash32 eInk Label Contest

HyperFlash32 eInk label contest results are in! Check them out here.
HyperFlash32 eInk label contest results are in! Check them out here.
I was playing around with my new printer. Here’s a VENOM edition of my VB mini programmer. 3D printed carbon fiber. Really nice surface finish and very strong. It has a white on black OLED to…
I’ve spent a lot of time and money recently on trying to get injection molded Virtual Boy cart cases made. Probably more time and money than I should have. The design emphasis was to get a…
I designed and built a new PCB that has 32Mbit of Flash and supports either a 8kx8 nvSRAM or a 32kx8 nvSRAM. This isn’t my HyperFlash or MultiBoy carts, just a larger version of my original…
I just completed schematic entry and PCB design on a Virtual Boy Multicart design I’m calling MultiBoy 32. Specs first and then some more discussion. 1. Flash space: 32 slots of 32Mbit RAM via a 1Gbit…
Originally Sep. 2017 Updated 1/27/2018 I’ve created a PCB to support a USB to link cable design for the Virtual Boy. The PCB fits in the connector housing of my original wired link cable. This will…