Oculus DK2 and Vireio Perception 2.1.1

I’ve been using Vireio Perception 2.1.1 with an Oculus DK2. It’s definitely the best for Skyrim. The scene looks correct and not distorted like Tri-Def or Vorpx. Really nice job. Head tracking is great. Position tracking…

Intersense InterTrax 2

Recently got around to getting my Intersense InterTrax 2 working in WorldViz Vizard. Check it out!

FOV Comparison- HMDs

Check out my HMD comparison of resolution and field of view

Razer HDK 1.3, Oculus DK2, and Samsung Gear VR Comparison

Compared the Razer HDK 1.3, Oculus DK2, and Samsung Gear VR HMDs. A few surprises. Check it out!

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