Samsung Gear VR

I finally had the chance to try a Samsung Gear VR at CES. I have to say I was very impressed! The screen resolution was noticeably higher than the DK2. Colors looked good. Field of view…

VR Headsets 1-18-15

Cleaning up the place today. I’m not saying there’s a problem here but I’m willing to consider it. I won’t embarrass myself by putting the trackers, gloves, and other VR gear in the photo too!


Radial-G is another Oculus DK2 game which has done a nice job with the cockpit. It’s much simplier than Elite: Dangerous or Vox Machinae but also well done. It’s fun to just sit in the cockpit…

Elite Dangerous

I previously talked about Elite Dangerous in my DK2 review however I felt I should repost due to the completely gorgeous cockpit in this game. I’ve been admiring how it looks this weekend. Elite Dangerous was…

Vox Machinae

Just amazing. That’s all I can say. 15 years later and I’m back in a Mech using an HMD. A lot has changed since MechWarrior 2 and the VFX1. The cockpit is perfect. Check it out!…