
Tried out the Ximmerse X-Hawk stereo camera and X-Cobra joysticks at CES 2016 on a Samsung Gear VR. Super impressed. The X-Hawk prototype was on the front of the Gear VR and used to track the…

Pololu MiniIMU-9 Head tracker

Posted a project page talking about a great Pololu MiniIMU-9 IMU board that can be used for building a head tracker.

Hillcrest FSM-9

Check out my new Hillcrest FSM-9 here.

Trimersion Video Headset with wired video/audio

 Recently I got my hands on some Trimersion HMD’s.  Thanks to Bob Ladrach for that!!  I was really intrigued by the gun controller on this HMD.  After using it I was extremely impressed but a bit…

VR Gun USB Build

       Material needed: Erazor MP5 Light Gun. http://www.gocybershop.ca/product_details.asp?ID=410 Ultra Cordless USB Gyromouse. www.gyration.com Radio Shack 7x5x3 Enclosure Part # 270-1807 Radio Shack Pushbuttons Part # 275-609 Standard PS2 Keyboard 25ft DB25 M/M Serial Cable DB25 socket…

VR Gun 2 USB System Build Documentation

Check out the specs for the VR Gun here Information on the general operation of the VRGun. Quick startup document on the VRGun. Download the VRGun Build documentation here.