Virtual Boy 32Mbit PCB

I designed and built a new PCB that has 32Mbit of Flash and supports either a 8kx8 nvSRAM or a 32kx8 nvSRAM. This isn’t my HyperFlash or MultiBoy carts, just a larger version of my original…
I designed and built a new PCB that has 32Mbit of Flash and supports either a 8kx8 nvSRAM or a 32kx8 nvSRAM. This isn’t my HyperFlash or MultiBoy carts, just a larger version of my original…
A new batch of Virtual Boy PCBs came in and the board house was willing to do a two-tone red and black design to match the Virtual Boy. The front of the PCB is black and…
Check out the updated page on my new PGLink2 board. This will allow you to connect a Nintendo Power Glove to a computer over USB. All design files are included.