The X Glove Idea

The X Glove idea has a slightly different approach then the other projects. I may or may not build this glove but I have researched it extensively and I believe that it can be built. The…

The Virtual Reality Zapper

The Virtual Reality Zapper, or VrZ as I like to call it, is the little brother of the VRGun USB System. It provides two buttons (trigger, and pistol grip button) along with 2DOF tracking (yaw and…

The DataGlove Project

My DataGlove project is a series of short winded bursts of motivation that has led to a very primitive glove that works better then I had hoped. Now take into mind this is a garage dataglove…

Wireless Glove Project

Well this project is finally complete. I’ve learned more then I could of hoped from all of this. I started this project over a year ago. First it started out with just brainstorming and research. After…