Wearality Sky

Finally received my Wearality Sky lenses a couple weeks ago. They’re quite good. There is some defocusing as you move from the center as well as some chromatic aberration, but the FOV is giant. The Gear…
Finally received my Wearality Sky lenses a couple weeks ago. They’re quite good. There is some defocusing as you move from the center as well as some chromatic aberration, but the FOV is giant. The Gear…
I’ve been playing DOOM 4 using Vorpx and I have to say it’s one hell of a good time! I thought the new DOOM game would instantly make me vomit but it’s not the case. Not…
July 30th 2016 Just tried using the Razer Hydra for hand controllers in SteamVR with my DK2. Pretty cool! Really impressed by Value and their willingness to support non-Vive hardware. The experience is definitely the poor-mans…
Really liking Hover Junkers, Space Pirate Trainer, Vanishing Realms, and HordeZ on HTC Vive. For Oculus, Adrift is amazing, and Lucky’s Tale is done quite nicely. The short films/experiences like Invasion on Oculus are fun.
May 9th 2016 I’ve had my Oculus CV1 and HTC Vive for a couple weeks now and wanted to give my initial impressions. Both are great headsets and a good start in this new wave of…
The thought keeps coming to my mind, and I’m sure others as well, why doesn’t Oculus keep the Rift DK2 around as a low end HMD. It’s considerably cheaper at $350, has wide support, and is…
Played with the Oculus Rift CV1 into the wee hours of the night and still going today. I should be studying! A bit of trouble getting Oculus Home to install (~4hrs) but otherwise pretty amazing. Tracking…
It’s interesting to see a tech blog talk about the “expensive” Oculus Rift and HTC Vive and the additional PC you’ll need to drive it. Yet the same blog will then talk about the $99 Gear…
The Orion update for Leap VR has drastically improved hand tracking over the previous generation. I think this update actually makes Leap VR usable. There are still some cases where it gets confused but it re-acquires…
Recently played Quake 2 on my Note 4 using the ANTVR Taw headset. Quake 2 is available in a Google cardboard application thanks to the guys over at Durovis. You can see the instructions and download…