First new review-5DT

Just posted the first new page to the new site. This one is a 5DT glove comparison between the original 5 sensor glove and the new 5DT Ultra 5 sensor glove. 5DT Glove Comparison.
Welcome to the new Mellott’s VR Page. The original page was started in 1998 on Geocities. I’m excited to start updating the page again with new VR information. I’ve used a lot of new gear over…
The Virtual Reality Zapper, or VrZ as I like to call it, is the little brother of the VRGun USB System. It provides two buttons (trigger, and pistol grip button) along with 2DOF tracking (yaw and…
Dont be fooled by other so called ‘VR Gun systems’. They are line of sight and only work with supported titles. This VR Gun 2 USB system has no such limits. The VR Gun 2 USB…