Power Glove Linkbox USB

Building a new Power Glove Linkbox which doesn’t require mods to the Power glove. It will output data over USB to a virtual COM port.
Building a new Power Glove Linkbox which doesn’t require mods to the Power glove. It will output data over USB to a virtual COM port.
This is an HMD I got as part of a bulk auction purchase. It came with a Virtual Research V6 and a Virtual Vision Eyeman. From what I can tell it appears to be an early…
Check out my new Arrington Research EyeFrame eye tracker review.
Posted a project page talking about a great Pololu MiniIMU-9 IMU board that can be used for building a head tracker.
Check out the Visette 2 HMD breakout board I’m making to interface this HMD with an commercial off-the-shelf video converter. This is being done mainly to be able to work with this HMD if the multimedia…
I love the design of the Sony PS4 Prototype. Check out more details at Road To VR.
The original UR Gear concept design was quite impressive. Too bad they removed the displays for the commercial product.