Possible Virtual Vision Prototype HMD

This is an HMD I got as part of a bulk auction purchase. It came with a Virtual Research V6 and a Virtual Vision Eyeman. From what I can tell it appears to be an early Virtual Vision prototype of their VCAP system (http://wearcam.org/head-mounted-displays.html). Not sure at this point. If anyone has any information on this HMD please send me an email.

It has a see-through eyepiece and a camera mounted on top of it. A lot of gear came with it to go mobile including a computer with Windows CE which still runs. I haven’t been able to power it yet as it was wired to run off a few battery packs and the batteries are missing. Probably thrown out long ago.
I may play with this one to get it up and running but will most likely sell it on eBay for some one else to hack around with.