Mattel's Power Glove Instructions for NES

This document contains no HTML in order to be fully readable by all systems. This document has been mailed to tsr for use in his NES Archive. This files may disappear from here when it appears there. I also have shorter, more interesting, HTML formatted information on actual classic video games.

                             POWER GLOVE

                 Licensed by Nintendo for play on the
                    Nintendo Entertainment System

4007-0920 G1


	Hi!  I'm the Glove Master and this is my apprentice Little
Digit.  We're going to take you to a new dimension in game play; a
dimension that puts amazing powers right in your  hand.  With the
flick of a finger you can devastate an army of attackers or deliver a
deadly blow to your enemy.
	Welcome to the world of the Power Glove!  It's a world where
you'll really feel like you are part of the action.  When you play a
boxing game you really punch.  With driving games you'll get the feel
of being behind the wheel of a real race car.
	Little Digit and I are here to help you start playing a game
with your Power Glove as soon as possible.  As Little Digit can tell
you, becoming a Glove Master takes practice.  But in no time at all,
you'll be scoring high and winning big the Power Glove Way.

[Typist's note:  Glove Master and Little Digit are cartoon characters
who appear throughout the manual.  When they have word balloons, I
will use "GM:" to show Glove Master speaking and "LD:" to show Little
Digit speaking.]


Introduction ...................................................  2
Power Glove Sensor Assembly ....................................  4
Plugging Everything In .........................................  5
Getting To Know Your Power Glove ...............................  6
Quick Start-Up .................................................  8
The Sensing Zone ............................................... 10
Centering, The Key to Power Glove Mastery ...................... 11
Slow Motion Controls ........................................... 13
Rapid Fire Controls ............................................ 14
Programs ....................................................... 15
Loading Programs ............................................... 16
Power Glove Gaming Series ...................................... 29
Index of Games ................................................. 33
Problems & Solutions ........................................... 34
Warranty ....................................................... 35


LD:  Okay, I connected the tubes.  Now what?
GM:  Now put it on the TV.

1.  The glove sensors are labeled "1," "2," and "3."
2.  Connect the tubes between the sensors as shown in Figure 1.
3.  Set the completed assembly on the right side of your TV, with the
dished side of the sensors facing front.

Figure 1:

            Connect tubes
                <-->   Sensor 2
         ***             ***\ 
Sensor 1 ***=============*** \
         ***             *** |
     +--------------------+|+|  LED Panel
     !  ________________  ! ||
     ! (                ) ! || ^              # NES Connector
     ! (                ) ! || | Connect      |
     ! (                ) ! || | tubes        \  +---+ 
     ! (                ) ! || v               \-|   | Junction box
     ! (                ) ! ||                   +---+
     ! (________________) !*** Sensor 3            |
     !                    !***-\           _______/
     !--------------------!***  \         /
     !                    !      \_______/


1.  Turn NES off before you plug anything into it.
2.  Plug junction box cord into NES port "1," as shown in Figure 2.
3.  Plug Power Glove cord into junction box as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2:  [I think you can figure it out yourself.]

LD:  Everything's plugged in...I think???
GM:  Let's see, junction box cord to 1 and glove cord to junction box.
-- That's right!  Good  job L.D.


Figure 3:  [The Power Glove with the following controls labeled:]
   A - Direction pad          G - Rapid fire for A
   B - Center                 H - Rapid fire for B
   C - Start & Select         I - Program (Prog)
   D - A & B commands         J - Enter (Entr)
   E - The number pad (0-9)   K - LED light
   F - Slow motion

A.  Works just like the direction pad on your NES controller.
B.  Each time you press CENTER you set a new starting point.
C.  Once glove is on, press START or SELECT to turn on the LED panel.
During a game use them as you would the Nintendo Start & Select
D.  You can use these buttons as you would Nintendo A & B buttons.
E.  Use keys 0-9 to enter program code after you press PROG (see J).
F.  For games that use slo-mo, press once to turn it on.  Press again
to turn it off.
G.  Rapid Fire for A turns on automatically when you turn on the
glove.  Press:
   7 to turn it off       1 to increase firing rate
   2 to turn it back on   6 to decrease firing rate
H.  Rapid Fire for B turns on automatically when you turn on the
glove.  Press:
   9 to turn it off       3 to increase firing rate
   4 to turn it back on   8 to decrease firing rate
I.  Puts glove into a program mode so you can use the number pad to
load a program, (see E).  Don't press this button when you're playing
a game.
J.  Press ENTER twice to exit program mode and turn game controls back
on after you load a program, (see I).  During a game press ENTER once
to switch A to B and B to A.  Press again to switch them back.

LD:  What are all these buttons for?
GM:  They do lots of things.  Take a look at Figure 3.
LD:  Wow!  It's like having a NES controller right on my arm.


GM:  Put a game in the NES and press Power.  The glove beeps.
Pressing Power turns the glove on and off.
GM:  Press Start on the glove.  Pressing Start or Select turns on the
LED panel.
GM:  Make a fist a few times so the glove gets to know the size of
your fingers and thumb.

* Remember to bend your thumb when you make a fist.

GM:  Point glove at the middle of the TV screen and press Center, so
the glove can tell which way you move.

* Pressing Center sets your starting point.

Look at the LED Panel by Sensor 2.  The lights turn on and off when
you move the glove in different directions.  Try it.

                         |    \
        Lift glove ----> |  *  |
   Move glove left -->   | o o | <---- Move glove right
       Lower glove ----> |  o  |
                         |     |
                         | * * |

                           ^ ^
                           | |
   * If these lights are flashing it means turbo is on.  Push 7 & 9 to
   stop flashing.

GM:  To turn on the glove and start playing a game just follow the
steps in "Quick Start Up."
LD:  Can I play now?

Moving your glove is the same as pressing buttons on a NES controller.
To play a game right now use these moves:

                Up = UP on NES direction pad
              Down = DOWN on NES direction pad
             Right = RIGHT on NES direction pad
              Left = LEFT on NES direction pad
   Bend 1st finger = A button on NES
        Bend thumb = B button on NES


LD [sitting on floor]:  Hey!  My glove isn't working.
GM:  That's because it's not in the sensing zone.

1.  It is very important that you stay in the sensing zone when you're
playing a game.
2.  Always point your glove towards the TV when you are playing a
3.  Sitting on a chair instead of the floor will help you stay in the
sensing zone.

LD [sitting in chair]:  Thanks GM!  My glove works great when I stay
in the sensing zone.


*Centering* is your center position or "starting" point.

*Setting Your Center*
1.  Put your hand and arm in a comfortable position.
2.  Point your glove at the middle of the TV screen.
3.  Press the CENTER button on your glove.  The position your glove is
in when you press CENTER is your center position.
4.  Repeat steps 1-3 to re-center as many times as you want.

LD:  What's wrong?  My man won't move the way I want.
GM:  Try re-centering.

The lights will tell you which way you move from the center.

LD:  Hey!  All the lights are off.
GM:  That's because your glove is centered.  If you move a light comes

*Centering Your Moves*
Finding your center position is easy with the LED Panel.  When the
glove is perfectly centered all the directional LED's will be off and
your man won't move.

Moving the glove away from center is like pressing the NES direction
pad.  Your man moves according to which way you move the glove away
from the center.  Look at which LED lights to see which way you move
the glove.

*Glove Master's Centering Hints*

* It's easy to lose track of where you centered.  Re-center whenever
you are having problems moving your man.

* You can re-center as many times as you like during a game.  It won't
interfere with the action and will probably improve your accuracy.

GM:  Try to keep your moves close to center and you'll change
directions faster.
LD:  Ok, I'll try.
GM:  Wow!  LD I think you're gonna break the high score this time!
LD:  Making smaller moves really helps.

* The smaller and tighter your moves are around your center position,
the faster your man changes directions.


LD:  HELP!  I turned on slow mo and it went crazy.
GM:  Slow motion doesn't work with every game.
GM:  Press (5) again to get back to normal.

1.  Press button 5 on the number pad to turn on slow motion.
2.  Press button 5 again to turn off slow-motion.

*Glove Master's Slo-Mo Hints*

* Slow Motion is great when you are just learning a new game.  It
gives you more time to react and extra time to plan  your strategy.

* Slow Motion does not work with some games.


LD:  I can get a whole bunch of bad guys when I use rapid fire.
GM:  You can even adjust the speed to meet the challenge.  Go for it!

*Glove Master's Rapid Fire Hints*

* *Rapid Fire for both A and B turns on automatically when you turn on
on the glove.*  In most cases you want to turn one or the other off
before getting into a game.

* Not all glove programs have rapid fire, refer to the individual
descriptions pgs. 17-28, and 30-32.

1.  When you are playing a game you can control rapid fire for A and B
separately by pressing one of these buttons on the number pad.

   (1) Increases firing rate for A   (3) Increases firing rate for B
   (6) Decreases firing rate for A   (8) Decreases firing rate for B
   (2) Turns on rapid fire for A     (4) Turns on rapid fire for B
   (7) Turns off rapid fire for A    (9) Turns off rapid fire for B

2.  When rapid fire is on the A/B LED's will flash.
3.  Press buttons 1, 6, 3, or 8, as may times as you want to adjust
the firing rates.  The glove beeps higher or lower to tell you
whether you're firing faster or slower.


LD:  How do I know which program to use?
GM:  Look it up in the program index.

*What's A Power Glove Program?*

     A program is a special set of motions, (like lifting or lowering
your hand, or bending your finger,) that you make with your glove to
play a game.  Making these motions is like pressing buttons on an NES
     The moves you make to play a game depend on which program you
use.  So far you have only used the moves for Program 1.  If you look
through the following pages you'll see there are many different
programs you can use.
     Each program has a different set of moves designed to add
excitement to playing different games.  For example, if you play a
boxing game with Program 7, you make a fist and really punch to make
your man punch.

LD:  My game isn't on the list.
GM:  The descriptions at the top of each program will help you pick
the one that's best.

LD:  I want to use Program 3.
GM:  Let's give it a try.  Just follow "How To Load A Program."

*How To Load A Program*

1.  Put the game into NES and press POWER.  (Glove turns on and
2.  Press PROG on glove.
3.  Press the number of the program you want to use on the number pad
on the glove.
4.  Press ENTR.  (The glove makes a dim beep.)
5.  Press ENTR again.  (The glove beeps.)
6.  Press START or SELECT on your glove.  (LED Panel turns on.)
7.  Make a fist a few times and center before you start playing.
8.  Repeat steps 2-5 to change programs.  Always make a fist a few
times and re-center after you change programs.

This program is loaded automatically when you turn on the glove.  It
has a special finger move that lets you change directions and fire B
at the same time.  It works well for many games, especially ones with
a side view.
     To enter PROGRAM 1, press:  (PROG) (1) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:        Glove Moves:
  Up              Lift
  Down            Lower
  Right           Right
  Left            Left
  (A)             Bend thumb
  (B)             Bend 1st finger
  Turn + (B)      Bend last 3 fingers

This program has a beep-system that will help you learn how to find
your center point.  When you *are centered* the glove will *not* beep.
When you are *not centered* the glove *will* beep.
     To enter PROGRAM 2, press:  (PROG) (2) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:        Glove Moves:
  Up              Lift
  Down            Lower
  Right           Right
  Left            Left
  (A)             Bend thumb
  (B)             Bend 1st finger
  To turn off\
  or on beep  >   Make a fist & pull back
  system     /

When you use program 3 you move the glove around as if it was on a
table.  That makes this program good to use for games with a top view,
     To enter PROGRAM 3, press:  (PROG) (3) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:        Glove Moves:
  Up              Forward
  Down            Back
  Right           Right
  Left            Left
  (A)             Bend thumb
  (B)             Bend 1st finger

Because this program has unique finger movements it's good for playing
IRON TANK.  Think of your fingers as the levers that control the tank
     To enter PROGRAM 4, press:  (PROG) (4) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:         Glove Moves:
  Up               All fingers out
  Down             Bend all fingers
  Right            1st finger out & bend last 3 fingers
  Left             Last 3 fingers out & bend 1st finger
  (A)              Bend thumb
  Hold down (B)    Wrist straight up [Rotate hand clockwise 90 degrees
                   so that thumb points up.]
  Up + Right       Twist wrist clockwise [180 degrees]
  Up + Left        Twist wrist counter-clockwise [90 degrees]
  Release (B)      Lower
  Hands off        Pull back

Your hand "becomes" a plane when you're using this program.  Bank left
or right just like you were flying.  If the game has an aerial view
this might be a good program to use.
     To enter PROGRAM 5, press:  (PROG) (5) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:        Glove Moves:
  Up              Forward
  Down            Back
  Right           Right
  Left            Left
  Right           Bank right
  Left            Bank left
  (A)             Bend thumb
  (B)             Bend 1st finger

It takes practice to learn the moves for the Double Dragon program,
but it will be worth it.  When you master this program you'll be able
to do things in one move that normally take two key presses.
     To enter PROGRAM 6, press:  (PROG) (6) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:               Glove Moves:
  Up                     Forward
  Down                   Back
  Right                  Right
  Left                   Left
  Hold Up (Climbing)     Fist forward
  (A)                    Bend 1st finger
  (A) + (B)              Bend last 3 fingers
  (B)                    Bend thumb
  Fast twice Left        Twist wrist clockwise [180 degrees]
  or Right

This program for MIKE TYSON'S PUNCH-OUT!! simulates real life boxing
action.  Keeping your moves close to your center position is essential
to mastering these program moves.
     NOTE:  You must press START before you can use directional
buttons on glove to make game selections.
     To enter PROGRAM 7, press:  (PROG) (7) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:                 Glove Moves:
  To duck [rapid down]     Open + Down
  To dodge left            Open + move left
  To dodge right           Open + move right
  (B)                      Make fist & punch down to left
  (B) + Up                 Make fist & punch up to left
  (A)                      Make fist & punch down to right
  (A) + Up                 Make fist & punch up to left
  Down                     Twist wrist clockwise as far as you can
                           (open hand or fist)
  (Select)                 Make fist & pull back for a star punch (you
                           must have one or more stars)
  Rapid pressing of (A)    Thumb down

Program 8 works best with R.B.I. Baseball but can be used with other
baseball games.  When you use this program imagine that your hand is
in the middle of a baseball diamond.  You'll be using different moves
depending on whether you're playing offense or defense.
     To enter PROGRAM 8, press:  (PROG) (8) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:                 Defense Glove Moves:
  (B)                      Bend thumb
  Right                    Right
  When throwing to 2nd     Bend 1st finger
  or home
  Up                       Forward
  Left                     Left
  (B) [sic]                Back
  (B) [sic]                Twist wrist counter clockwise [90 degrees]

Like NES
Command:                 Offense Glove Moves:
  (B)                      Bend thumb (to swing)
  Right (1st base)         Right
  Left (3rd base)          Left
  Up (2nd base)            Forward
  Down (home plate)        Back
  (B) (run to base)        Twist wrist counter clockwise [90 degrees]
  (A) (run back)           Bend thumb (when running)

Program 9 is made for RAD RACER and other driving games.  Pretend your
hand is on an invisible steering wheel when you use this program.
There's even a special start-up gesture that is like pulling back a
stick shift that you must do before you press START.  This program
does not have rapid fire.
     To enter PROGRAM 9, press:  (PROG) (9) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:            Glove Moves:
                      Start gesture [make fist]
  Up (turbo)          Shift forward [fist forward]
  Right               Twist wrist clockwise [180 degrees, open hand]
  Left                Twist wrist counter-clockwise [90 degrees]
  Down                Lift hand [open hand]
  (B)                 Lower hand [fist]
  (A)                 Make fist

This program gives you the extra accuracy you need to play R.C.
PRO-AM.  Your fingers control the steering and your hand controls the
     To enter PROGRAM 10, press:  (PROG) (1) (0) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:            Glove Moves:
  (B)                 Hand center [fist]
  Release (B)         Lower hand [fist]
  (A)                 Bend thumb
  Right               Bend last 3 fingers
  Left                Bend 1st finger

This game is very much like program 1 with one exception.  Instead of
just turning around and firing B, you can make your man spin around
firing in all directions.  This really helps when you're in a tight
spot or facing a large number of enemies.  However, this special
feature may not work with every game.  Try it out yourself.
     To enter PROGRAM 11, press:  (PROG) (1) (1) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:                 Glove Moves:
  Up                       Lift hand
  Down                     Lower hand
  Right                    Right
  Left                     Left
  (A)                      Bend thumb
  (B)                      Bend 1st finger
  Fast turn and firing     Bend last 3 fingers
  Weapon changes           Press ENTER

Use this program to play SUPER MARIO BROS.  With the flick of a
finger, you can speed-up or slow-down Mario to meet the challenge.
     To enter PROGRAM 12, press:  (PROG) (1) (2) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:                           Glove Moves:
  Up                                  Lift hand
  Down                                Lower hand
  Right                               Short right
  Right hold                          Long right
  Left                                Left
  Left hold                           Hand further left
  (A)                                 Bend thumb
  (B)                                 Bend 1st finger
  (B) + left or right (fast)          Bend middle finger
  Move Mario left or right slowly     Bend last 3 fingers

Your fingers control the A & B button commands, but you have to use
the directional buttons on your arm to move around the screen.  This
is a good program to use if you have to go in and out of sub-menus to
pick and buy things during the course of play.
     To enter PROGRAM 13, press:  (PROG) (1) (3) (ENTR) (ENTR)

Like NES
Command:        Glove Moves:
  (A)             Bend thumb
  (B)             Bend 1st finger

When you turn on program 14, you turn off the glove movements.  To
play use the arm controls just like using a Nintendo controller.  Load
program 14 if you  have to enter an essential password at the
beginning of the game, then pause and re-load a more appropriate
program for actual game action.  Don't forget to make a fist a few
times to recalibrate the glove when you change programs.


LD:  Wow!  The program loads automatically!
GM:  There's lots of other rad features in special series games!
LD:  Like what?
GM:  Like the special series programs stored in the games.

*What's Special About Power Glove Gaming Series Games?*

     Special series games have special features that no other games
have.  When  you use the Power Glove to play a special series game
you'll really feel like you are part of the action.

*Special Series Games Start-Up*

1.  Put special series game into NES and press POWER.
2.  Press START or SELECT on your glove.
3.  Make a few fists and center as usual.
4.  The glove beeps as the program to play your game automatically
5.  Start playing the game.

NOTE:  when you play some special series games all the LED lights
will turn on and flash very fast.  This is normal.  You can still play
the game if this happens.

*Power Glove Gaming Series Programs*

    Additional programs are stored inside some special series games,
like BAD STREET BRAWLER.  You'll find the descriptions and moves for
these programs on the following pages.
    Loading a Power Glove gaming series program is different  from
loading other programs.  The steps below will tell you how it's done.

*Loading Programs*

1.  Put a special series game into the NES and press POWER.
2.  Select special program option as prompted.
3.  Select special series program as prompted.
4.  Turn off NES.  You have 30 seconds to complete step 5.
5.  Put game you want to play in the NES and turn it back on.
6.  Make fists and center as usual, then press START, to start playing

NOTE:  If you exceed the 30 second time limit, Program 1 will
automatically replace the program you selected.  Check your moves
before you get into your game.

Fast action pinball play!  Designed for pinball games.

index bent       right flipper (A-button)
thumb bent       left flipper (Up-button)
hand 6 o'clock   tilt (B-button)
hand back        toggle from normal to:
                 thumb OR index pushes BOTH flippers

Made just for JOUST--Use your finger to flap your mount's wings!

hand right       figure right (pulsed, can be turned off)
hand left        figure left (pulsed can be turned off)
thumb bent       figure turns around
index bent       figure flaps wings (goes up) (pulsed)
middle bent      figure flaps wings (goes up) (pulsed)

The program to use for GYRUSS with continuous fire from start to
finish.  Be sure to select Control B.

ACTION             RESULT
hand 3 o'clock     ship spins clockwise
hand 10 o'clock    ship spins counter-clockwise
index NOT bent     fires bullets
hand pulled back   fires bomb

Your friends will be baffled when you use this program.  Everything's
backwards and upsidedown!  If you move right your man moves left,
etc....  Give it a try.  It works well with many games.

hand left        RIGHT button
hand right       LEFT button
hand up          DOWN button
hand down        UP button
thumb bent       A button
index bent       B button

For DEFENDER II and other similar games.  Features a one-shot and a
rapid-fire turn around.

ACTION             RESULT
hand up            ship up
hand down          ship down
hand left          ship left
hand right         ship right
thumb bent         ship shoots
hand 6 o'clock     smart bomb
ring finger bent   ship thrashes left and right

It's easy to play SESAME STREET 1 2 3.  Make a fist for NO.  Open hand
and raise it for YES.

ACTION              RESULT
index bent (grab)   NO
hand up, down,      YES
left, or right

Custom made for GUN SMOKE with separate walking and shooting commands.

ACTION                RESULT
hand right            man moves right
hand left             man moves left
hand forward          man moves up the screen
hand back             man moves down the screen
index bent (grab)     man shoots
hand 2 o'clock        man shoots right
hand 12 o'clock       man shoots straight
hand 10 o'clock       man shoots left
thumb and ring bent   stops all action (used for menus)

When you are centered the glove beeps.  This program works with many
games so you can learn how to keep your moves centered.

hand up          UP button
hand down        DOWN button
hand left        LEFT button
hand right       RIGHT button
thumb bent       A button (pulsed)
index bent       B button (pulsed)

Turbo blasting driving excitement!  This driving game program works
best with KNIGHT RIDER.  It's like Program 8, but has added firing

ACTION            RESULT
hand forward      turbo on
index bent        throttle on
hand down         brake on
thumb bent        fire the guns
hand 2 o'clock    car right
hand 11 o'clock   car left

The first Power Glove Gaming Series Game.  Practice your moves between
each round to get ready to do battle the bad guys on Bad Street. [sic]

ACTION               RESULT
hand right           Duke right
hand left            Duke left
hand up              Duke jumps
hand down            Duke squats
thumb bent           B-gesture (pulsed) - e.g. punch
middle bent (grab)   AB-gesture - e.g. grab
hand 3 o'clock       A-gesture + turn right - e.g. kick right
hand 11 o'clock      A-gesture + turn left - e.g. kick right
hand forward         GLOVE ZAP (once) per round)


Games                                               Prog
* ALPHA MISSION .....................................  5
TM & (c) 1987 SNK Electronics Corp.

ANTICIPATION ........................................ 14
(c) 1988 Rare, Ltd.
By Rare Coin-It Inc.
BASEBALL ............................................  8
TM & (c) 1988 Tecmo Ltd.
Bases Loaded ........................................  8
(c) Jaleco 1988
Blades of Steel .....................................  1
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co. Ltd.

* BLASTER MASTER ....................................  1
(c) 1988 SUNSOFT

Bubble Bobble .......................................  1
(c) 1988 Taito America Corp.

CASTLEVANIA .........................................  1
TM & (c) 1987 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

CASTLEVANIA II SIMON'S QUEST ........................  1
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.
Contra ..............................................  1
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.
DEADLY TOWERS .......................................  1
By Broderbund Software, Inc.
TM & (c) 1986 IREM Corp.
Planning by Lenar

DEFENDER II .........................................  E
TM & (c) Williams Electronic Games, Inc.
Licensed from Atari Corp. by Hal Laboratory
(c) 1988 Hal America, Inc.

DONKEY KONG CLASSICS ................................  1
(c) 1981, 1982 Nintendo

Double Dragon .......................................  6
(c) 1988 Technos Japan Corp.
*+ Double Dribble ...................................  1
(c) KONAMI 1987
Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

GAUNTLET ............................................  1
(R) (c) 1985 Atari Games

Gradius .............................................  1
TM & (c) 1986 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

GUNSMOKE ............................................  G
TM & (c) 1988 Capcom U.S.A., Inc.

ULTRA GAMES  GYRUSS .................................  C
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

+ Ice Hockey ........................................  3
(c) 1988 Nintendo

IRON TANK ...........................................  4
TM & (c) 1988 SNK Electronics Corp.

JACKAL ..............................................  1
(c) Konami 1988
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

Joust ...............................................  B
TM & (c) 1982 Williams Electronics Games, Inc.
Sublicensed from Atari Corp. by Hal Laboratory
(c) 1988 Hal America, Inc.

KID ICARUS ..........................................  1
(c) 1986 Nintendo

KNIGHT RIDER ........................................  I
Designed by Pack-In-Video Co., Ltd.
Knight Rider is a TM of and licensed by
Universal Studios, Inc.
(c) 1982 Universal Studios
Program (c) 1988 Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.
Licensed and controlled for the U.S. & Canada by
Acclaim Entertainment, Inc.

KUNG-FU HEROES ......................................  1
TM & (c) Culture Brain U.S.A. Inc.

LIFEFORCE ...........................................  5
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.

ULTRA GAMES  METAL GEAR .............................  1
TM & (c) 1988 Konami Industry Co., Ltd.
Ultra Games is a registered trademark of
Ultra Software Corporation.

METROID .............................................  1
(c) 1987 Nintendo

MICKEY MOUSECAPADE ..................................  1
(c) Walt Disney Company 1988
(c) Hudson Soft 1988
(c) Capcom U.S.A., Inc. 1988
Operation Wolf ......................................  1
(c) 1988 Taito America Corp.
Platoon .............................................  1
(c) 1988 Hemdale Film Corp.
(c) 1987 Ocean Software Limited
(c) 1988 SUNSOFT

MIKE TYSON'S PUNCH-OUT!! ............................  7
(c) 1987 Nintendo

R.B.I. Baseball .....................................  8
(c) 1987 Namco Ltd.
TM & (c) 1987 Atari Games

R.C. PRO-AM ......................................... 10
(c) 1987 Rare, Ltd.
RAD RACER ...........................................  9
(c) 1987 Square Co., Ltd.

*+ Racket Attack ....................................  1
(c) Jaleco Ltd.
TM & (c) 1988 Jaleco Ltd.

Rampage .............................................  1
(c) l988 Data East U.S.A., Inc.
(c) 1888 Bally Midway Mfg. Co.

Robo Warrior ........................................  1
(c) Jaleco 1988
TM & (c) 1988 Jaleco Ltd.
RYGAR ...............................................  1
TM & (c) l987 Tecmo, Ltd.
SEICROSS ............................................  1
(c) l986 Nihon Bussan Co., Ltd.
(c) 1988 FCl/Ponycanion Inc.

SESAME STREET 1 2 3 .................................  F
Program Copyright 1988 Children's Television Workshop
All Rights Reserved
Grover and Ernie Copyright 1988, Muppets Inc.
All Rights Reserved.  Published by Hi Tech Impressions.
Produced by Rare.  Rare Coin-It.
STARFORCE ..........................................  1
TM & (c) l987 Tecmo, Ltd.

SUPERMAN ...........................................  1
TM & (c) DC Comics Inc. 1988
Under License First Star Software Inc.

SUPER MARIO BROS. .................................  12
(c) 1985 Nintendo

Top Gun ............................................  3
(c) 1987 Paramount Pictures Corporation
"Top Gun" logo is a trademark of Paramount Pictures
Corp.  Konami Authorized user.  Underlying Source Code
(c) 1987 Konami.

Xenophobe  Sunsoft .................................  1
(c) 1988 Sun Electronics Corp.
(c) 1987 Bally Midway Mfg. Co.

Xevious ............................................  5
TM & (c) 1982 1988 Namco Ltd.
Bandai Co. Ltd.

ZELDA II THE ADVENTURE OF LINK .....................  1
(c) 1987 Nintendo

1943 ...............................................  5
1988 (c) CAPCOM CO LTD.
     (c) Capcom U.S.A., Inc.

Program Copyright (c) 1989 Beam Software
All Rights Reserved.

Letters refer to programs inside the

* Pulse A OFF.
+ Pulse B OFF.


P:  When I move my hand and fingers nothing happens.
S:  Make sure the T.V. sensors are facing forward and the Junction box
is plugged into Port 1 of the NES.  Make sure your glove is plugged
into the junction box and that the NES is turned on.  Press START or
SELECT on your glove.  Press CENTER.  You can test your glove by
pressing the A and B buttons on your glove while watching the LEDs on
the T.V.

P:  I have trouble moving my man up and down, left and right.
S:  Remember to press CENTER and to watch the LEDs.  You have to learn
to use the glove, it might take a little practice.  You might want to
try glove Program 2, which emits a "beeping" sound when you are not in
the center.

P:  My A and B button LEDs keep lighting even when I don't want them
S:  It is important to calibrate your glove by making a tight fist
(including your thumb) a few times.  This lets your glove know how big
your hand is.  Because the glove senses your finger's position, you
have to keep your hand OPEN until you want to trigger one of your

P:  When I move my hand far to the right or left, my man doesn't follow
me.  Sometimes I seem to lose control.
S:  For regular games, your glove does not change how the game is
played.  Your glove ONLY works when it is IN the sensing zone and
POINTING at the TV screen.  Check to see which way the sensors on the
front of your glove are pointing.

P:  I hit PROG by mistake.  How do I get started again?
S:  Enter the Program number again and press ENTR twice in a row.

P:  Some of my games have menus and selection screen which are hard to
work with the glove.
S:  CENTER your glove and don't move your fingers.  Now you can use
the NES buttons on your glove to control the game.  You can always use
these buttons when you need them during the game.  You can also call
up Program 14 which turns off your glove except for the buttons.

P:  I would like to use different motions with the game I am playing.
S:  The glove comes with 14 different programs, each with different
moves.  You can use the suggestions in the index or you can try
different Programs out yourself.  You can use the ENTR key to switch
what controls your A and B buttons and adjust the rapid fire controls.
Special games like Bad Street Brawler have more programs on them.
There will also be special "editing" codes published in magazines for
more games.


Mattel Toys warrants to the original consumer purchaser of the Power
Glove that the product will be free from defects in material or
workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase.
     WE CAN HELP!  Many problems can be resolved by discussing them
with our trained personnel.  For expert help, call (513) 868-7482
between 8:30 AM and 11:00 PM EST Monday through Friday and between
8:30 AM and 8:00 PM Saturday and Sunday.
     If the problem cannot be resolved by telephone, you will be given
a return authorization number to return the product, along with proof
of date of purchase, postage prepaid, to I.V.S., 2350 Pleasant Ave.,
Hamilton, OH 45015 for replacement (with a reconditioned model of
equal quality) or repair at our option.  Be sure to include your name
and return address.
     If you have had your Power Glove more than 90 days. include
a check or money order for $15.00 payable to I.V.S.  This out of
warranty service will be available for at least one year after the
date of purchase.  The service charge is subject to change after
     This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also
have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty does
not cover damage resulting from accident, misuse or abuse. This
warranty does not apply to Power Glove software which is covered by
the standard Mattel Toys warranty.  *Valid only in the U.S.A.*
Send only product and correspondence regarding warranty service to
the address listed above. Send all other correspondence to Consumer
Relations, 5150 Rosecrans Ave., Hawthorne, CA 90250.


This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not
installed and used properly, that is, in strict compliance with the
manufacturers' instructions, may cause interference to radio and
television reception.  It has been type tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the
specifications in Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are
designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in
a residential installation.  However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this
equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception.
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
-- Reorient the receiving antenna
-- Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver
-- Move the computer away from the receiver
-- Plug the computer into a different outlet so that computer
   and receiver are on different circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced
radio/television technician for additional suggestions. The user may
find the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications
Commission helpful:
      How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems. This
booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4.

                            POWER GLOVE


   Mattel's service representatives will be able to assist you with
    Nintendo Game Pak code information during the following hours:
           8:30 am - 11:00 pm EST Monday through Friday or
              8:30 am - 8:00 pm EST Saturday and Sunday
 The cost of the call will be $1.50 for the first minute and $.75 for
                       each additional minute.
                      TELEPHONE 1 (900) 820-8127
  900 Number Game Code Service available at least through March 31,

 Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are registered trademarks
                     of Nintendo of America, Inc.
(c) Mattel, Inc. 1989 Hawthorne, CA 90250 U.S.A. Printed in Hong Kong.
                         All Rights Reserved.
            POWER Glove is a trademark used under license.

           [Typed in by Lee K. Seitz (]
                 [ ]

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Created: 25 Aug 1998; Last Modified: 25 Aug 1998